Stuck at home, and can’t get to the store?

Stuck at home, and can’t get to the store?

Lucky for you there are tons of things Aloe vera can replace, which will save you many trips to the store, all while making your house look beautiful and green if you decide to grow it yourself.

Here, I will explain five ways in which Aloe vera can replace items you typically add to your shopping list. 


1. It can protect teeth

According to Medical News Today, a study was conducted comparing a 100% Aloe vera juice mouthwash to a chlorhexidine mouthwash.  It turned out that the Aloe vera was just as effective at reducing dental plaque and killing the plaque producing bacteria.


2. It can hydrate dry skin. 

Consider replacing your typical moisturizer with Aloe vera. Aloe vera absorbs into the skin promptly, treating your dry skin problems. If you have oily skin, this is also a plus, as the gel will be absorbed very quickly. 


3. It can fight acne. 

Instead of buying an expensive acne wash at the store, consider trying Aloe vera. Aloe vera is anti-inflammatory according to and helps treat inflammatory forms of acne. The Aloe vera can be applied to your acne-prone skin, three times a day. 


4. It can promote the healing of burns and cuts. 

According to, you can apply Aloe vera directly to a burn site up to three times daily. This will help the burn quickly heal without the need for Neosporin or heavy bandaging. If you have a minor cut, apply Aloe vera instead of Neosporin again. This will help boost collagen which will heal these cuts rapidly.


5. It can treat sores.

Applying a small amount of Aloe vera directly to a cold sore can help treat the sore and leave your skin looking clear and hydrated in just a few days. 

Time to start gardening!